The Little-known Benefits Of Oranges

Did you know that we can benefit more from the benefits of oranges by consuming them outside of meals? It is advisable to eat them on an empty stomach, so that they give us all the energy we need.

Did you know that oranges have anti-depressant and anti-cancer effects? That it is not good to eat it at night? That eating them with the skin on is much better for your health?

In this article, we will introduce you to the properties and little-known curiosities of oranges, as well as a very simple recipe for making a natural medicinal orangeade.


Orange is known for its high content of vitamins A, B and C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Its excellent nutritional values ​​make it an ideal food for strengthening the immune system and preventing all types of diseases.

This citrus fruit is an excellent antioxidant that helps us delay internal and external aging, and therefore an ideal purifier to cleanse the liver, kidneys and intestines.

In addition, orange helps us protect our body from cardiovascular disease, as it improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure and reduces triglyceride levels in the blood.

Antidepressant effects

One of the lesser-known benefits of orange is that it has anti-depressant properties, just like the rest of citrus fruits.

Consumption of this fruit, as well as exposure to its natural flavor, positively influences states of depression, anxiety and even irritability and aggression. 

Orange brings vitality and joy. It is therefore an essential fruit in our diet.


Asthma and other diseases that affect the respiratory system can improve considerably, if one follows a purifying treatment based on the consumption of oranges and natural squeezed juices, for at least 10 days.

Consuming this fruit will help us mobilize and expel phlegm.

Breast cancer

Some studies show that consuming a good quantity of organic oranges can reduce the risk of suffering from breast cancer  and improve the condition of those who have it.

The pregnancy

Orange is a great option for pregnant women, especially for those with sudden cravings for fresh, sour foods.

Orange is rich in folic acid, an essential B vitamin during this stage of life.

However, women who suffer from gastric acidity should avoid eating oranges.

Do not consume it during meals

Many people choose to have an orange for dessert. In some countries, it is even consumed with cinnamon and bee honey.

However, this fruit is much better if eaten without meals, as its content of acids and sugars can cause fermentation of the food eaten, which will turn into poor digestion, acidity and gas.

On the other hand, it is not good to eat an orange in the evening, because of its revitalizing properties. The ideal time is in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Can we eat the peel of the orange?

The peel of the orange is the most antioxidant part of this citrus fruit thanks to its high content of flavonoids, which help us to prevent and naturally cure cancer, especially that of the skin and breast, as well as to minimize cancer. risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The peel of the orange also has a greater content of vitamin C than the pulp. This vitamin provides purifying, relaxing and diuretic benefits.

We can freeze, dry or use the grated orange peel to season our salads, sauces, cakes, smoothies, infusions etc.

However, it is essential that oranges are organic, in  order to avoid consuming the toxic substances that remain encrusted in the skin.

Medicinal orange

Try this delicious medicinal orangeade, simple and refreshing.

Ingredients for 4 persons

  • 2 or 3 organic oranges, well washed, with their skins
  • 300 ml of water
  • A piece of fresh ginger according to taste
  • Bee honey according to taste


  • Cut the oranges into quarters and put them with the rest of the ingredients in the blender.
  • Mix everything well for a minute.
  • Strain the drink, add ice cubes or let cool in the fridge.

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