The Man Who Saved Millions Of Babies With His Blood

If all his donations were important, fate made that his daughter was a carrier of the virus, and that the protagonist of our story was able to save his own grandson.

Our article of the day is about one of those wonderful, positive and hopeful stories that we love to share with you. Its main protagonist is a 78-year-old Australian named James Harrison. He is now better known under the name of “ the man with the golden arm ” because of his blood.

He lived like a completely normal person, taking advantage of his daughter and especially his grandchildren in his native Australia.

No one could have said that he would turn into a hero, and that he would save two million lives around the world thanks to the particular characteristics of his blood.

Discover this incredible story with us!

These strange coincidences of life

The man who donated blood.

When James Harrison was 14 years old, a tragic story happened to him, which nearly led to his death as a teenager. After a serious accident, he had a lung amputated.

He then spent weeks in intensive care and received numerous transfusions. According to his mother’s statements, he received more than 13 liters of blood, which was intended to keep him alive.

Touched by the fact that a group of unknown people were willingly donating blood for his life, young James swore to himself that the first thing he would do on his 18th birthday would be to donate blood too.

And he did. But the day after this donation, he received a strange phone call from the hospital, asking him to come back as soon as possible.

The blood of James Harrison, a source of hope

The benefits of his blood.

In the mid-1960s, the infant mortality and abortion index was very high in Australia.

The National Service of the Red Cross warned at that time about the dangers of such a situation.

Many women had to abort or lost their babies, and no one knew why.

In other cases, children were born with serious deformities which often took them away after a few days of life.

It was simply due to rh disease.

If you have never heard of it, just know that it is a devastating disease, in which the mother’s immune system recognizes the fetus, along with its cells, as enemy foreign bodies against which it is necessary. to defend oneself.

This is what usually leads to miscarriages or deformities.

This is due to the fact that the blood of a pregnant woman has a determined rh, negative for example. And that the father transmits his positive rh to the child.

Rh disease is lethal to the child, and can disrupt the psychological life of parents, especially the mother, who often finds it impossible to accept that her own antibodies have killed her child.

However, thanks to James Harrison, this dire situation quickly changed.

After his first blood donation, the doctors realized that James’ blood was very special:

  • His blood contains a type of antibody that helps fight this autoimmune disease.
  • Thanks to her blood, a vaccine called “Anti-D” was synthesized, preventing women who carried the negative rhesus factor from developing antibodies during their pregnancy.
  • More than 17% of women are carriers of this factor. The welcome help from the blood of James Harrison is still very precious today.

The blood of James Harrison: an exceptional gift

Effects of his blood.

According to the Red Cross Service, James’ donations have saved the lives of two million babies.

Two million babies who were able to be born without complications. And who were able to lead a normal life, without any consequences.

The most incredible thing about this story is that, even if James already felt very happy to have been able to give a normal life to all these children, his satisfaction was even greater when he was able, again thanks to his blood, to save his own grandson.

Thanks to one of the coincidences of which life has the secret, his own daughter was a carrier of the negative rh factor. Her child therefore owes a lot to the help of her grandfather James.

You may be wondering why James Harrison has this antibody in his blood.

Is it providential? Is it genetic? It is rather this first solution for which we are looking.

According to what the doctors explain to us, the reason is to be found on the side of the accident that the latter had, when he was 14 years old.

The treatment to which he was subjected and the fact of having received a large number of donations from different people meant that, in the end, he developed this antibody spontaneously.

Doctors cannot, however, say that this is the real reason for his extraordinary ability.

We must point out that James Harrison still continues to donate blood to save lives.

And all this, while he himself recognizes that he is afraid of needles. And that he does not look when his blood is taken.

You can legitimately ask yourself: what will happen when James Harrison is no longer of this world?

According to the doctors’ explanations, there must be other people with the same blood factor.

There is only a little help from fate left to find them . Another anonymous hero with the “golden arm” is hiding among us. And without knowing it, he has a “source of life” in his own blood.

Incredible, isn’t it?

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