Tips For A Flat Stomach

To achieve our goals, it is essential to lead a healthy and balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids, and exercise daily or at least three times per week.

The wish of all women is to have a completely flat stomach, without a centimeter of fat, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for health reasons.

However, it is sometimes very difficult for some people to be able to achieve this because they want to achieve their goal without making too many sacrifices, or exercises. A point of view that can turn out to be absurd.

To have a flat stomach, you have to put in a lot of effort and not be satisfied with 20 abdominals a day. You must adopt a routine of complete exercises, inspired in particular by aerobics.  They will allow you not to accumulate fat on this part of the body.

It is very important when you start to do abdominal exercises that you work all of these muscle groups, not just a few. In addition, you have to be very consistent if you want to achieve the expected results.

The main advice we can give you is to start slowly, with small repetitions for a maximum of 20 minutes, then gradually increase the repetitions as the overall training time.

Why does fat accumulate on our stomachs?

Usually, fat accumulates in the belly area because of the bad eating habits that we adopt in our life, and in particular that which consists in consuming a lot of fatty foods.

Lack of fruits and vegetables can also be an aggravating factor. In other cases, a too sedentary life, stress or hormonal changes can also be responsible for this phenomenon.

To help your body eliminate the fat that accumulates in the belly, we are going to give you some tips that you can put into practice now to get, in no time, the belly of your dreams.

Tips for a flat stomach

Abdominal fat

  • Eliminate all foods that contain significant amounts of fat from your diet, and try to choose as many healthy foods as possible, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Establish a good exercise routine which can be helpful in losing weight, but also in reducing accumulated fat levels as much as possible.
  • Avoid eating too much. The best is to get used to dividing the day into 5 meals, during which you will eat small portions. Remember to eat foods that are nutritious and low in calories.
  • Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day, you will be well hydrated.
  • Try not to consume sauces, mayonnaise, chocolates, ice cream, which are very fatty foods. You can substitute them with nuts, fish and olive oil.
  • Cut down on sugary foods and carbonated drinks.
  • The last meal of the day should be eaten at least two hours before going to bed, and should be as light as possible, preferably with vegetables. A delicious salad will do just fine.
  • If you do aerobic exercises, take advantage of the morning to do them.

Don’t forget for a flat stomach…!

To exercise

It is very important to keep in mind that the fat that is lost can come back very quickly if you stop exercising, or quickly resume your old bad habits. The most important thing is to be very constant, leave aside your lack of motivation, because the results that await you are really worth it.

But, it is also fundamental to know your body well in order to be able to adapt your exercise routine perfectly to your capacities, without forcing excessively. Remember that if you demand too much from your body, instead of making beneficial changes you will cause significant damage to it. Everything must be well controlled and measured.

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