Tips To Prevent And Treat Sinusitis Naturally

Do you know how to treat sinusitis? Here we bring you some easy to prepare and effective natural home remedies for sinusitis!

It is one of the most common diseases. It affects thousands of people all over the world. It is very inconvenient and tiring. In most cases, sinusitis is misdiagnosed, so it is never “totally” cured. This is why we give you here some tips for treating sinusitis.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies for sinusitis . They will help you say goodbye to this annoying problem. You will be able to rest better, because you will be able to smell and breathe perfectly!

Based on what traditional medicine says, we will have to stick with doctors prescribing antibiotics, decongestants, pain relievers and antiallergics. In some cases, surgery may even be done in the nose to “unblock” the nasal passages. However, it is not always necessary to reach these extremes.

The most common symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • headache
  • constant secretions
  • sinus pain
  • fever
  • bad breath
  • Red nose
  • tired
  • Teeth ache
  • pain in the eyes
  • swollen face feeling
  • watery eyes
  • general malaise
  • nose bleeds
  • cough
  • lack of smell
  • stuffy nose
  • pain when chewing or swallowing
  • hoarseness or aphonia

How to avoid sinusitis?


In addition to choosing home remedies to treat sinusitis, you should also make some habitual changes in your daily life. You will see, it is worth a try to prevent this disease.

For example, use humidifiers in bedrooms, or ventilate the house (with windows open), and remove all dust. This will prevent attacks, because the vast majority of bacteria that cause this disease cannot tolerate too clean climates.

We can also decongest our nose by using water vapor with a few eucalyptus leaves, either with specific devices or by putting a saucepan to boil to then breathe in the vapor.

Others choose to open the shower with hot water, then close the bathroom door and sit down to breathe, or do so while showering. Another alternative is to wet a towel with hot water, then place it on your face (be careful not to burn yourself).

If you are looking for quick relief for sinusitis symptoms, you can apply eucalyptus oil with warm water. It should be spread over the browbones and cheekbones.

The right body temperature will help you too, so try not to have a fever and not get too cold either.

Also avoid things that can be irritating at all times, such as cleaning products, cigarette smoke, strong perfumes, hair sprays, or anything that releases fumes.

Natural remedies to treat sinusitis

Treat sinusitis naturally

Remember this list! It contains the best natural remedies to effectively treat sinusitis.


It is ideal for relieving the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. In addition, it also helps to evacuate excess mucus.

  • You have to boil a handful of leaves and then inhale the vapors: place your head above the pan and cover it with a towel or a cloth.

The big mallow

It has antibacterial properties and is used to kill the microorganisms that cause sinusitis.

  • Prepare a tea by mixing a tablespoon of mallow flowers and a cup of water. Drink up to four cups a day


It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This will relieve the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and eliminate the germs that cause the inflammation.

  • Dilute a few drops of chamomile essential oil in a liter of water and perform a few inhalations.


It helps to strengthen the immune system. You can get this supplement from health food stores.

  • You should consume 1000 mg per day in 5 different doses.

Cat’s claw

This plant is also used to promote immunity: bacteria and viruses will not be able to enter your body.

  • Consume it as an infusion. You can also get it as a supplement.


It is an excellent remedy for treating sinusitis.

  • Pour 60 drops of agrimony extract in a liter of water. Then absorb the liquid through the nose until it reaches the mouth and then expel it outside. It should not be swallowed.


Ginger root is an ally of the immune system.

  • Consume it as an infusion twice a day. If you wish, you can add lemon juice to enhance the effects obtained.

The lemon

It contains many antibacterial components. In addition, if you consume it hot (as a tea), the lemon will help you to thin the nasal sinuses. It will also lower your fever at the same time.

  • You can add a tablespoon of honey and / or ginger to your infusion to improve results.


The leaves of cypress trees  help relieve the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. They also help us remove excess mucus.

  • Pour 10 drops of cypress essential oil in hot water, then inhale the vapors.


It has expectorant, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. It is therefore a good choice for treating any respiratory disease, and especially for treating sinusitis.

  • Prepare an infusion by mixing a tablespoon of juniper berries in boiling water. Then drink this preparation throughout the day. You can sweeten it with honey.


It is a very effective natural remedy for relieving inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

  • It is necessary to inhale hot water vapor with essential oil of pine or of the branches of this tree.

Photographs courtesy of Mike Gifford, osseus, mcfarlandmo, William Brawley, Simon James and Taylor N.

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