To Be A Mother Is To Have The Heart Outside The Body

Although it is difficult, it is important to let our children make their own decisions and be wrong, because they have to be based on their experiences to learn and grow.

Being a mother is a personal choice that every woman can make when she feels it is the right time. 

It doesn’t matter if you are young, or if you find yourself in a moment of personal and professional balance where you tell yourself and your partner that you want to take the plunge.

Being a mother changes your life. Another order of priorities is established. The world is seen from another perspective and even varies the way you see yourself.

Nothing can be this great and, while you are aware of your responsibilities, it is something that you experience with emotion and fullness.

It is often said that being a mother  is like having the heart outside the body.

However, it must be emphasized that the role of the father, this companion who enriches your life, is also essential in the life of the child.

Conversely, if you and your child form a single-parent family, it is something that is not so scary because motherhood endows the woman with an innate wisdom, where the care and the magical bond with her child grow day. after day.

Sometimes many experts tell us that the timing of pregnancy assumes a hormonal explosion. Able to create a very intense bond with this child who has just arrived.

Oxytocin, for example, is a hormone that has so much power that sometimes it can stimulate this bond with the newborn but also generate stress, suffering and a common feeling of not doing things right. .

The pain of the first few weeks is normal.

Babies appear very fragile, but in reality, they are beings who are meant to live. Thanks to your strength, and to this bond that you create from the inside until the end of your days.

The importance of hugging your baby, and keeping it close to your heart

We are sure that you have already been impressed to learn that dead babies, born, started to cry almost spontaneously when they came into contact with their mother who wanted to say goodbye to them. So they began to live.

The mother’s skin is the extension of the child. And, thus, it is vital not to lose this union during the first months.

You know that you will always take care of him, but that you will help him to be independent, mature and happy

Your children will always be a part of you. But you will encourage them to become good citizens of the world.

For this, you will not hesitate to promote your union in its daily aspects. Because you know that overprotection is not a good thing.

Children must be able to learn to feel useful, to see that they are able to do things on their own. And that life sometimes requires effort and dedication.

By always being with him, by supporting him, you will give him confidence so that he feels sure of himself and that he reaches this star which inhabits his dreams.

You will offer him the values ​​of the earth, the values ​​of the heart because you are his mother

You will provide your child with these unique values. And which you know will help him to become a person of integrity, happy and above all capable of making this world a better world.

  • As a mother, you will teach her the value of freedom, of being able to make her own decisions, of knowing how to listen to her voice and of standing up for her opinions.
  • You will guide him every day with respect for nature and all human beings.
    Indeed, we all deserve to live respected and in balance, because the Earth is a magnificent place which deserves to be defended.
  • You will teach him what respect is, the value of trust in oneself and in others to bond. And how to establish positive and stable relationships.
  • In addition, you will make him understand the value of love. The love which begins with oneself and which must accompany it all its life.
    You will also suggest that, in order to offer love to others, your child must put aside his ego, manipulation and betrayal.

Being a mother is not easy. It takes dedication 24 hours a day for 12 months a year, and for life.

However, it is an obligation that does not weigh and that enriches.

A child’s gaze is always a window to our soul. On this purer essence from which we can relativize many things.

Don’t hesitate to follow your instincts and intuitions. For your heart will always guide you to the best way to educate happy people.

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