Traveling With Diabetes: Some Tips

A person with diabetes should not be deprived of having a good vacation away from home or fulfilling professional commitments in a place other than the office. Traveling with diabetes requires certain precautions, but it is possible without major problems.

Traveling when you have diabetes shouldn’t create any limitations. It is simply necessary to take some preventive measures in order to avoid risky situations. In other words, a person with diabetes can enjoy a trip just as well as an individual who does not suffer from this condition.

There are two basic factors to consider when you have diabetes and want to travel. The first is to ensure access to medicines and medical care, when needed. And the second is to prevent, at all costs, injury or lack of food during the trip.

In addition, it should be noted that to travel when one is diabetic, it is necessary to have a certain stability of the state of health. Indeed, it is not healthy to undertake a trip having serious doubts about how the organism will behave. Therefore, it is always advisable to have medical advice and apply the following recommendations.

Traveling with diabetes: a consultation before departure

Traveling when you have diabetes: consult your doctor before leaving

Traveling with diabetes involves several requirements. One of these is the need to carry a variety of medications, as well as to have medical history on hand. In addition, it is preferable to consult your doctor so that he draws up a medical report specifying the type of diabetes from which you suffer as well as the treatment which you follow.

This document will be useful for transporting medicines without problems. And, in case you need a consultation, the new doctor will know how to proceed. In addition, it is a good idea to have this report translated into English. Also, your doctor can provide you with recommendations for the case, depending on your destination.

Sanitary options at the place of travel

It is essential to know how the health system works in the country where you are going. This involves identifying the health centers that can receive you, if necessary, as well as the mechanisms for accessing medicines.

Normally  there are no worries when it comes to travel within your country. But things can get complicated if you go abroad. It goes without saying that, in the latter case, you must take out  travel insurance  that covers any eventuality that may arise.

Traveling with diabetes: medication at hand

Medicines for daily use should be packed in your carry-on baggage. As well as the measurers, and any instruments you might need, such as syringes or insulin pens, etc. If you are traveling by plane, it is not recommended to put these essential items in the suitcase in the hold because they could be damaged during the trip.

On the other hand, it is useful to carry some food in the hand luggage. Products like cookies, granola bars or fruit are perfect. In case you are traveling by boat, it is ideal if your doctor prescribes medication for seasickness. In the car, monitor the temperature of the medication and also take an extra portion of food.

Diet while traveling with diabetes

To travel when you are diabetic, you have to be careful about what you eat in the country where you are staying

If you are going to a very remote country,  it is important to take maximum care with the food you eat. Sometimes the package labels are not precise enough and you can end up ingesting something that affects your health.

In addition,  it is essential to ensure the contents of any dish you are going to eat,  especially if it is new to you. Indeed, do not be afraid to ask for all the corresponding information and to refrain from tasting a food that you do not know.

Clothes and shoes to use

It is best to bring clothes that are loose and as comfortable as possible. Especially when traveling by plane, train, bus, etc. Tight clothes are not a good idea. Also, a very important aspect are the shoes. These must be very comfortable, of good quality and have excellent ventilation.

You should never walk barefoot. Especially if you suffer from loss of sensitivity in the feet. It is also advisable to check the condition of the shoes before putting them on. The use of shoes without heels or open is also not appropriate. Finally, it is preferable that they are made of soft leather, without interior seams and lined.

Mosquitoes and the climate

On the other hand, when traveling and having diabetes, one must  be extremely careful not to get bitten by mosquitoes or similar insects. Some of these animals can transmit serious diseases which greatly complicate the diabetic setting.

If the destination is at a high altitude, it is a good idea to take the necessary precautions to avoid altitude sickness. It should also be taken into account that low temperatures make it difficult to absorb insulin. Thus, to travel when you are diabetic, it is better to avoid the cold or consult a doctor before going to a place of this type.

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