Words That Are Not Followed By Facts Are Worthless

Words must be accompanied by actions that really show we feel what we are saying.

If words aren’t followed by facts, they don’t count, they’re worthless.

We are sure that in your closest circle you have people who tend to act this way.

The human being is often characterized by these behaviors. We make beautiful promises, we build plans, and our speech is adorned with great hopes and beautiful words.

However, when the moment of truth comes, when we need that person, they are not there. Everything that has been said and reaffirmed until you are thirsty evaporates.

It evaporates in a fragile smoke that disappears through an open window. It brings disappointment, emptiness and lack of confidence.

Since we demand consistency, respect and responsibility from others, we must also show the same.

If you make a promise, honor it: if you love, demonstrate it. If you don’t love, don’t give in to illusions.

We suggest you think about this.

Words and personal responsibility

Factors such as a good education, good self-esteem and respect for our fellow human beings cause us to apply the principle of personal responsibility, almost without realizing it.

As soon as we are children, we begin to glimpse the power of words.

There are phrases that hurt and there are speeches that help us grow in maturity and confidence.

There is a vital pillar in the education of children: we must show them facts that illustrate our words.

If you love a child, show him by supporting him, by making him believe that he can be able to achieve what he sets out to do.

If you make a promise to your child, you have to keep it, because otherwise you will create a void but that child will also stop trusting you.

Words are not just for communicating messages. They help us to agree between what we say and what we do.

It is therefore necessary to maintain an appropriate balance. 

The importance of words.

If you love me, show it to me, words are not enough

Words are not enough in love. Personal relationships aren’t just about promises or loving phrases.

  • A relationship is, mainly, making a series of daily acts that form a whole.
  • It is a universe of fortresses where all words are translated into deeds, and where the two members are courageous and take risks for each other.
  • If you like, take action. If you like, defend yourself.
  • And more: if you care about someone, be it a friend or a loved one, you need to show them through trust and unconditional support.

How to act in the face of “breakers” of promises?

As we all know, there are real “promise breakers”. They are people accustomed to the art of empty words, false and full of frivolous fantasy.

  • Maybe you knew them in your family or today your own spouse has this same profile.
  • They make us believe things that they do not demonstrate, so much so that for a while, we believe their excuses until, little by little, we realize that they are only thinking of them.

This type of link is very harmful.

They condemn us to long waits, false hopes. We support a little more because tenderness and love are there. But, in the end, what weighs the most is emptiness and loneliness.

The power of words.

How to act in the face of these situations?

  • One person can let you down once, twice, three times. But when disappointments become a routine, it is necessary to react.
  • It requires consistency. If someone tells you every day how much they respect you, they appreciate you and love you but when you need them they’re not there, beware.

Whoever loves you will be by your side, to life, to death .

Above all, try to practice what you demand. Support the people you like, show affection to those you love, without waiting for special moments.

If those by your side are professional promise “breakers” and makers of “fine words,” put a distance.

The price that one pays for this type of harmful links is very high and destructive. Although, as we know, these types of dynamics and profiles will always interfere with our daily lives.

In the end, we develop a kind of “intuitive radar” thanks to which we can immediately capture the smoke seller and the talkative. 

Either way, always defend yourself against them.

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